Here’s Sarah… does she not have the most stunning face?? And gorgeous blue eyes! Great session in the studio – 100% natural light. Which is really the way to go on a 90 degree day in California :). Several weeks ago, I studied with fabulous make-up artist Karen Koenig, also a childhood friend. I have always loved make-up, and really a lot of the Photoshop work I do is quite related… I just needed to learn how to properly apply the real thing! I am excited to announce that I will be offering make-up as an add-on to all senior and headshot sessions. I have worked with make-up artists in the past, and will continue to do so for more complicated shoots, but it was always hard to coordinate schedules and I had the feeling I could really do it myself. No worries… I’m not starting a new career, but I am having a lot of fun with it! I did Sarah’s make-up for this session – so lucky to have such a great face to work with! And if you don’t have it yet, RUN, don’t walk and buy Urban Decay’s 24/7 eyeliner in Gunmetal… so smooth and a gorgeous color for blue eyes, as you see below!
Gorgeous – the girl and your images! You did a great job with her make-up too!