I had a blast during this session – it just had so much going for it – a natural setting, a beautiful sky, excellent clothing choices, and a family that is so cute and gorgeous that I can’t even begin to describe… Oh! And we even had a few horses wander our way! A perfect […]
One word that describes me: Charismatic My friends would describe me as: Passionate My biggest self indulgence: Chai Tea You will most likely find me (where?): Barn or Theatre Something I haven’t done but want to do: Sky Dive 3 Most Played songs on my iPod: Echo- Gorrilla Zoe, Come On Get Higher- Matt Nathansan, […]
This is the first of many blog entries that will be featuring horses (and their beautiful humans)! I have done several sessions recently and have discovered two things… 1) horses are incredibly photogenic, and 2) I am not as allergic to horses as I thought I was! I will admit I have a history of […]