As many of you know, we “attempted” a vacation to Maui. I say “attempted” because we did make it there and had one or two days of fun, but then my twins came down with the nastiest stomach flu I have witnessed in years. And it lasted full force for SIX days. We had to extend our trip so we could be sure they would be healthy enough to fly home (you could not have paid me enough to get on an airplane for 5.5 hours with 1.5 year old twins with the stomach flu!). So of course, we extend our trip and on the first day the twins are happy again, guess who gets sick? Yes, me. At this point we were using a lot of phrases like “hell in paradise” and “when you’re in hell just keep going”, etc. I mustered up the courage to get on a plane and we pushed through and got home late last week. And, now, I do believe everyone is healthy again (knock on wood). Here are a few pictures of the girls before the doom set in (taken with the trusty old point & shoot 🙂 )…

Glad to hear you finally made it back safely! Definitely need to document the whole story because the whole thing in it’s entirety is a really good laugh. Something you will hopefully be able to look back at the ‘next’ time you decide to go to Maui 🙂
You are SO brave! I wouldn’t take my twins on an airplane unless they were heavily sedated! That stinks about your vacation though. They are too cute!