Ok, just a short post and off to bed. I am excited to announce I will have an all new children’s website soon! I know, I know, everyone tells me they like the colors, etc. of the existing site, but quite honestly, I “cobbled” that site together myself, way back when, and it is just a bear to update and maintain. And I don’t think it displays the pictures very well. So, it has bugged me for a long time. A new “flashier” site is in the works, so stay tuned!
I can’t post without some pictures so, here is a follow up to a prior post in which I posted picures one of my twins, Kate, so here are a few of Ivy. She’s can be a real spitfire sometimes. I pinned a big gerber daisy on her for these, pretty much because that is something my own mother would have done and well, I do have to continue tradition. The third pictures shows what twin 1.5 year olds do while they’re waiting for me to finish packing up the car outside my studio. They walk and walk and walk…
One word, ADORABLE!