What a beautiful day this was for senior portraits in the San Francisco South Bay Area! And Sarah had the grace, poise, and beauty to match! A beautiful little area near Rancho San Antonio, this was the perfect location for amazing senior pictures. We even had a peacock or two spying on this event!
I had a blast during this session – it just had so much going for it – a natural setting, a beautiful sky, excellent clothing choices, and a family that is so cute and gorgeous that I can’t even begin to describe… Oh! And we even had a few horses wander our way! A perfect […]
Meet Jordan… we had an excellent session in downtown San Jose today. She is absolutely radiant, with beautiful curly hair, freckles and gorgeous eyes!
Several posts ago, I shared some images of Julia, one of my 2009 models. Julia came in for her *official* senior portrait session, and it was too hard to resist bringing this beautiful violin back into the session. Last time around, the shots were a bit more “serious” so this time we scouted out a […]
Meet Kacy. Kacy has a radiant smile. She has great style. And she wants to be a French major (I was a French major). So I think Kacy is pretty cool! Kacy – enjoy your sneak peek… and thanks for your patience – I know you were waiting for these!